Ultimate Guide to Cinque Terre: a Journey through Colors, Flavors… and Luca!

The protagonists of the blog article in a cartoon style version on the background of Riomaggiore.

Some time ago, I had a dream: for some strange reason, I had been thrown into the world of cartoons. It didn’t take long to realize that the scenes I was part of were from the Disney movie Luca. I suppose the movie marathon the night before had something to do with it.

The next day, when I arrived at the office, inspiration struck: visit the places that inspired the setting of the movie, the famous Cinque Terre. It wasn’t hard to convince my travel companion, Sofia, whom you may already know from the article on Sardinia. It was enough to (metaphorically) tackle her during our coffee break and tell her my plan. If you’re curious to know how it all turned out—and you should be!—you just have to keep reading. Let’s go!

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