Booking directly was super easy and worked without any problems. You can get to the gorge either with your own rental car or with a bus from Funchal from Lokoloko, which is a great option.
We arrived at the agreed meeting point and met our 3 guides from Lokoloko in a great mood! We drove a little further to the start of the tour. We got our clothes, which had already been individually tailored, and were able to change. Then we were off. After a short walk, we were given instructions for the canyon and then we went into the water. It was definitely not boring. With only short waiting times, which were not a problem at all, various highlights followed. Abseiling down waterfalls, jumping into small river basins, being abseiled down or even jumping headfirst into the water! There was no lack of good humor, as the guides provided entertainment for the whole group with a variety of songs and jokes. During the tour, the guides even took photos as a souvenir, which you can view and download afterwards. The tour was over far too quickly. Then we walked a short distance back to the cars. A huge thank you to our premium guides, who do a great job and make it possible to experience such a great adventure!"